Open Door Billing

444 West Ocean Blvd., Suite 800 Long Beach, CA 90802


Disability Business Certification

Empower Your Business with a Certified Disabled-Owned Status

In today’s diverse business landscape, embracing inclusivity isn’t just a moral imperative; it’s a strategic advantage. At Open Door Billing LLC, we specialize in certifying businesses as disabled-owned, opening doors to new opportunities and fostering a more inclusive economy.

Why Choose Disabled-Owned Certification?

Enhanced Market Visibility:

Being certified as a disabled-owned business places your company in a unique market category. This certification isn’t just a badge of honor; it’s a powerful marketing tool that highlights your business’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. This distinction can attract clients and partners who prioritize doing business with inclusive companies.

Access to Exclusive Opportunities:

Certified disabled-owned businesses often gain access to exclusive contracts, especially with government and large corporations committed to diversity in their supply chains. This can lead to significant business growth and unparalleled opportunities.

Networking and Support:

Join a vibrant community of like-minded businesses and entrepreneurs. Certification opens the door to networking events, mentorship opportunities, and support systems that are invaluable for business growth and sustainability.

Positive Brand Image:

Align your brand with values of inclusivity, social responsibility, and community support. This enhances your brand’s reputation, which is increasingly important to consumers and business partners in a socially-conscious market.

Financial Incentives and Resources:

Many governments and private institutions offer financial incentives, grants, and resources specifically for certified disabled-owned businesses. This support can be crucial in scaling your operations and expanding your business horizon.

Our Certification Process:

Eligibility Review:

Our team begins with a thorough review of your business to ensure eligibility for disabled-owned certification.

Documentation and Verification:

We guide you through the documentation process, ensuring that all necessary paperwork is complete and accurate for a smooth certification process.

Personalized Consultation:

We provide personalized consultation to understand your business goals and how certification can best serve your needs

Ongoing Support:

Our relationship doesn’t end with certification. We offer ongoing support to help you leverage your new status for maximum benefit.

Get Certified, Get Empowered:

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to distinguish your business, access new markets, and join a network of forward-thinking entrepreneurs. Contact Open Door Billing LLC today to start your journey towards becoming a certified disabled-owned business.